T 1.2 - Assessment of Innovation at the Subsystems Level

The main objective of this task is the augmentation of the Reference WT with innovative concepts at its subsystems level and the assessment of the performance of these innovations in a solid way. Key drivers for innovation are Cost of Energy (CoE) and tower-top mass reductions. The following subtasks are considered:

Subtask 1.2.1.

Selection of PIs and target values: The first aim of this subtask is to provide the design parameters of a 10MW reference 3 blades upwind turbine that can be used by all work packages for simulating the performance of its components. Its performance indicators will also be defined in this task and where relevant referred to the EWI implementation plan. The performance indicators are cost driven and address the component under study directly (energy yield, contribution to the CoE, etc.) and indirectly through its impact on the downstream components of the loading chain (characteristic load(s), weight, etc.). The proposed solutions
are benchmarked against the CoE provided by the reference design.

Subtask 1.2.2.

Methodology for PIs evaluation and cost models: Definition of a LEVEL 1 (simplified) structural integrity analysis scheme for sub-components and complete wind turbines. Development of cost models for innovative concepts.

Subtask 1.2.3.

Performance evaluation of selected concepts. An ongoing procedure through the entire project. Each innovative concept is managed by its “Developer” who is responsible for performing its evaluation against the PIs and reporting the results. The Developer has to demonstrate first the structural integrity of the new concept/design applying the LEVEL 1 analysis. The developer will iterate the PI with other task members and industrial representatives to modify and verify the efficacy of the PI. As soon as this is done, the design is evaluated against performance indicators and target values. The performance indicators are cost driven. They address the component under study directly (energy yield, contribution to the CoE, etc.) and indirectly through its impact to the downstream components of the loading chain (characteristic load(s), weight, etc.). The proposed solutions are benchmarked against the CoE provided by the defined reference design. The task leader
coordinates the selection of the most promising innovative concepts to be further addressed in Task 1.4.

13 DECEMBER 2024