External publications on INNWIND.EU


Hübler, C; Häfele, J; Gebhardt, C.G.; Rolfes, R. (2018)
Experimentally supported consideration of operating point dependent soil properties in coupled dynamics of offshore wind turbines
Marine Structures (57), pp 18-37, doi: 10.1016/j.marstruc.2017.09.002

Y. Guan, F. Vedreño-Santos, Z. Azar, A. S. Thomas, G. J. Li, M. Odavic, and Z. Q. Zhu (2018)
Performance of superconducting generators with different machine topologies under fault conditions, submitted to The 9th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, PEMD2018, 17 - 19 April 2018. Liverpool ACC, Liverpool, UK.

Conti, D., Natarajan, A. and Abrahamsen, A. (2018)
Influence of system level parameters on the fatigue life of jacket substructures for 10 MW and 20 MW wind turbines
Proceedings of the ASME 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic
Engineering, OMAE 2018


K. Wang , V. A. Riziotis , S. G. Voutsinas (2017)
Aeroelastic stability of idling wind turbines
Wind Energy Science, Copernicus GmbH, Vol. 2/Issue 2, p. 415-437

E. Jost, A. Fischer, G. Bangga, T. Lutz, E. Krämer (2017)
An investigation of unsteady 3-D effects on trailing edge flaps
Wind Energy Science, Vol 2/ Issue 1, pp. 241-256. Available here.

J. Häfele, C. Hübler, C.G. Gebhardt & R. Rolfes
Efficient Fatigue Limit State Design Load Sets for Jacket Substructures Considering Probability Distributions of Environmental States
Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, San Francisco

Y. Guan, Z. Q. Zhu, Ziad Azar, A. S. Thomas, F. Vedreño-Santos, G. J. Li, and M. Odavic (2017)
Comparison of 10MW superconducting generators with different topologies for offshore direct-drive wind turbines, submitted to IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity. In press.

Y. Guan, Z.Q. Zhu, G. Li, Z. Azar, A. Thomas, F.V. Santos & M. Odavic
Influence of Pole Number and Stator Outer Diameter on Volume, Weight and Cost of Superconducting Generator with Iron-Cored Rotor Topology for Wind Turbines
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity(Volume: PP, Issue: 99)

Dong Liu, H. Polinder, A.B. Abrahamsen, J.A. Ferreira (2017)
Potential of Partially Superconducting Generators for Large Direct-Drive Wind Turbines, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol 27/Issue 5, doi: 10.1109/TASC.2017.2707661

Dong Liu, H. Polinder, A.B. Abrahamsen, J.A. Ferreira (2017)
Topology Comparison of Superconducting Generators for 10-MW Direct-Drive Wind Turbines: Cost of Energy Based
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol 27/ issue 4, doi: 10.1109/TASC.2017.2668059

Dong Liu, H. Polinder, A.B. Abrahamsen, E. Stehouwer, B. Hendriks, N. Magnusson (2017)
Optimization and Comparison of Superconducting Generator Topologies for a 10 MW Wind Turbine Application’, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 53, no. S2, pp. S191-S202, doi: 10.3233/JAE-140161

H. Polinder & A.B. Abrahamsen
Superconducting Generators in INNWIND.EU

Suprapower final workshop 2017

W. Njomo Wandi
Application of magneto-rheological dampers to alleviate fatigue damage of jacket substructures for 20 MW wind turbines
Wind Energy Science Conference 2017, Lyngby, Denmark, June 2017

F. Vedreño-Santos, M. Odavic, Y. Guan, Z. Azar, A.S. Thomas, G.J. Li, Z.Q. Zhu
Design considerations for high power converters interfacing 10 MW superconducting wind power generators.
IET Power Electronics, May 2017

Bos, R., W. A. A.M. Bierbooms, and G. J.W. van Bussel.
The spatial structure of severe wind gusts. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Van EIJK, S. F., R. Bos, and W. A. A.M. Bierbooms.
The risks of extreme load extrapolation. Manuscript submitted for publication.

S. Kanev (2017)
Extreme turbulence control for wind turbines
Wind Engineering, Available here. 

Bos R.,
Extreme gusts and their role in wind turbine design
Technische Universiteit Delft, July 2017. Available here.

Dong Liu
Increasing the feasibility of superconducting direct drive generators for wind turbines
Delft University of Technology, June 2017. Available here.

A. Croce, L. Sartori, C.L. Bottasso (2017)
Load Alleviation and Upscaling of the INNWIND.EU and AVATAR Rotors Using Automated Design Procedures
Wind Energy Science Conference 2017

Chaviaropoulos, P.K., Jensen, P.H., Schepers, G.
New Conceptual Designs for 10 MW – 20 MW Offshore Wind Turbines
WindEurope 2017

N. W. Wandji (2017)
Probabilistic Design of Wind Turbine Structures
Technical University of Denmark



C. L. Bottasso , A. Croce , F. Gualdoni , P. Montinari , C. E. D. Riboldi (2016)
Articulated blade tip devices for load alleviation on wind turbines
Wind Energy Science, Copernicus GmbH, Vol. 1/Issue 2, p. 297-310, doi:10.5194/wes-1-297-2016

C. L. Bottasso , A. Croce , F. Gualdoni , P. Montinar (2016)
Load mitigation for wind turbines by a passive aeroelastic device
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Elsevier, Vol. 148, p. 57-69, doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2015.11.001

P. Bortolotti , C. L. Bottasso , A. Croce (2016)
Combined preliminary–detailed design of wind turbines
Wind Energy Science, Copernicus GmbH, Vol. 1/Issue 1, p. 71-88, doi:10.5194/wes-1-71-2016

M. Manolesos , S. G. Voutsinas (2016)
Experimental Study of Drag-Reduction Devices on a Flatback Airfoil
AIAA Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA), Vol. 54/Issue 11, p. 3382-3396, doi: 10.2514/1.J054901

A. Penzkofer, K. Atallah
Scaling of Pseudo Direct-Drives for Wind Turbine Applications
13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference 

W. N. Wandji, A. Natarajan and N. Dimitrov (2016)
Development and design of a semi-floater substructure for multi-megawatt wind turbines at 50 m water depths
Journal of Ocean Engineering, Vol. 125

A. G. Solomou, T. T. Machairas, D. A.  Saravanos, D. J. Hartl, D. C. Lagoudas (2016)
A coupled layered thermomechanical shape memory alloy beam element with enhanced higher order temperature field
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures Vol 27/Issue 17, pp 2359-2384

J. Azcona, X Munduate, L. Gonzalez, and T.A Nygaard (2016) Experimental Validation of a Dynamic Mooring Lines Code with Tension and Motion Measurements of a Submerged Chain Ocean Engineering Vol. 129(2017), pp. 415-427.
A.G. Solomou, T. T. Machairas, A. A. Karakalas and D. A. Saravanos  (Under review)
Corotational Thermomechanically Coupled Formulation of Multi-Field Finite Element for the Geometrically Nonlinear Time Response of Multi-Layered Shape Memory Alloy Beams, IJSS 

Bos, R., A. Giyanani, and W. A. A.M. Bierbooms (2016).
Assessing the severity of wind gusts with lidar. Remote Sensing 8(9), 758. doi: 10.3390/rs8090758.

Bos R. (2016)
A method to find the 50-year extreme load during production
Science of Making Torque From Wind. Poster available here.  

J. Häfele, C. Hübler, C.G. Gebhardt & R. Rolfes
An improved two-step soil-structure interaction modeling method for dynamical analyses of offshore wind turbines
Applied Ocean Research (55), pp 141–150. DOI: 10.1016/j.apor.2015.12.001 

J. Azcona and T.A. Nygaard (2016)
Mooring Line Dynamics Experiments and Computations. Effects on Floating Wind Turbine Fatigue Life and Extreme Loads
13th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, EERA DeepWind’2016, Trondheim, Norway

M. Manolesos, G. Papadakis, S. Voutsinas (2016)
Study of Drag Reduction Devices on a Flatback Airfoil
34th Wind Energy Symposium. Paper available here.

T. K. Barlas, C. Tibaldi, F. Zahle, H. Madsen (2016)
Aeroelastic Optimization of a 10 MW Wind Turbine Blade with Active Trailing Edge Flaps
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Wind Energy Department. Paper available here.
Proceedings of the 34th Wind Energy Symposium. Available here.

A.Penzkofer, G. Cooke, M. Odavic, K. Attalah (2016)
Coil excited Pseudo Direct Drive electrical machines
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Paper available here.

M. Manolesos and S.G. Voutsinas (2016)
Experimental Study of Drag-Reduction Devices on a Flatback Airfoil
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. (AIAA), Vol. 54/Issue 11 pp. 3382-3396. Paper available here

T. Tsiantas, D.I. Manolas, T. Machairas, A. Karakalas, V.A. Riziotis, D. Saravanos, S.G. Voutsinas (2016)
Assessment of fatigue load alleviation potential through blade trailing edge morphing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2016) 042020.
The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2016). 5-7 October 2016, Munich, Germany. Paper available here.

K. Wang, V.A. Riziotis, S.G. Voutsinas (2016)
Aeroelastic Stability of Idling Wind Turbines
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2016) 042008.
The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2016). 5-7 October 2016, Munich, Germany. Paper available here

D. Liu, H. Polinder, X. Wang, J.A. Ferreira (2016)
Evaluating the Cost of Energy of a 10 MW Direct-Drive Wind Turbine with Superconducting Generators
in Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Lausanne, 2016, pp. 318-324, DOI: 10.1109/ICELMACH.2016.7732545.

A. Penzkofer and K. Atallah (2016)
Coil excited magnetic gears for large wind turbines
13th joint MMM-intermag conference. Poster available here

D. Liu, H. Polinder, A.B. Abrahamsen, X. Wang, J.A. Ferreira (2016)
Comparison of Superconducting Generators and Permanent Magnet Generators for 10-MW Direct-Drive Wind Turbines 
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Electric Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Chiba, Japan, 13-16 November 2016. Paper available here.

D. Liu, H. Polinder, N. Magnusson, J. Schellevis, A.B. Abrahamsen (2016) 
Ripple field AC losses in 10 MW wind turbine generators with a MgB2 superconducting field winding. 
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2016.2533921

D. Liu, H. Polinder, A.B. Abrahamsen, J.A. Ferreira (2016)
Effects of Armature Winding Segmentation with Multiple Converters on the Short Circuit Torque of 10-MW Superconducting Wind Turbine Generators. Presented at Applied Superconductivity Conference 2016, September 2016
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2016.2639029

F. Vedreño-Santos, Y. Guan, Z. Azar, A.S. Thomas, G.J. Li, M. Odavic, Z.Q. Zhu (2016) 
Comparison of Peak Armature and Field Winding Currents for Different Topologies of 10-MW Superconducting Generators Under Short-Circuit Conditions
IEEE Transactions on Applied SuperconductivityYear: 2016, Volume: 26, Issue: 8. Article Sequence Number: 5208407, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2016.2615077

A.B. Abrahamsen and A. Natarajan (2016)
“Variation of Extreme and Fatigue Design Loads on the Main Bearing of a Front Mounted Direct Drive System”
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2016) 112006.
The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2016). 5-7 October 2016, Munich, Germany. Paper available here. Poster available here

J. Azcona, E. Grela and X. Munduate (2016)
Semisubmersible Floater Design for a 10MW Wind Turbine
13th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, EERA DeepWind’2016. Poster available here.

A. Penzkofer and K. Atallah (2016)
Scaling of Pseudo Direct Drives for Wind Turbine Application
13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference. Paper available here. Presentation available here

D. Saravanosa , T. Machairas, A. Solomou, A. Karakalas (2016)
Shape Memory Alloy Morphing Airfoil Sections  
7th Forum on New Materials - Part E. Available here.

A.B. Abrahamsen and A. Natarajan (2016)
Variation of Extreme and Fatigue Design Loads on the Main Bearing of a Front Mounted Direct Drive System
The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2016). Available here.

F. Lemmer (ne Sandner), S. Raach, D. Schlipf, P.W. Cheng (2016)
Parametric Wave Excitation Model for Floating Wind Turbines
13th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, EERA DeepWind'2016. Poster available here. Paper Available here

C. Koch, F. Lemmer, F. Borisade, DMatha and P.W. Cheng (2016)
Validation of INNWIND.EU Scaled Model Tests of a Semisubmersible Floating Wind Turbine
Proceedings of the Twenty-sixt (2016) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Paper available here. Presentation available here.

L. Klein, C. Schulz, T. Lutz and E. Krämer (2016)
Influence of jet flow on the aerodynamics of a floating model wind turbine
Proceedings of the Twenty-sixt (2016) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. Paper available here. Presentation available here.

E. Jost, A. Fischer, T. Lutz and E. Krämer (2016)
An investigation of unsteady 3D effects on trailing edge flaps
The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2016). Available here.

W. Njomo Wandji, C. Pavese, A. Natarajan and F. Zahle (2016)
Reduction of fatigue loads on jacket substructure through blade design optimization for multi-megawatt wind turbines at 50 m water depths. Poster presented at TORQUE 2016 conference. Available: here. *Publication: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2016) 042022 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/4/042022

A. Foglia, M. Kohlmeier and M. Wefer (2016)
Physical modeling and numerical analyses of vibro-driven piles with evaluation of their applicability for offshore wind turbine support structures 
Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting. Paper available here.

T. K. Barlas, E. Jost, G. Pirrung, T. Tsiantas, V. Riziotis, S. T. Navalkar, T. Lutz and J. W. van Wingerden (2016)
Benchmarking aerodynamic prediction of unsteady rotor aerodynamics of active flaps on wind turbine blades using ranging fidelity tools
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2016) 022027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/2/022027. Paper available here.
Poster presented at TORQUE conference 2016, October 2016 available here.

Scholle, Niklas; Lohaus, Ludger; Lindschulte, Nick
Weight-saving potential of hybrid tube structures
4th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials, HIPERMAT 2016, Kassel, Germany

Scholle, Niklas; Lohaus, Ludger
UHPC-Steel Hybrid Tube Components for Application in Offshore Support Structures
ISOPE 2016, Rhodes, Greece

Lemmer, Frank, Raach, Steffen, Schlipf, David, Cheng, Po Wen
ParametricWave Excitation Model for FloatingWind Turbines
EERA Deepwind

Saravanos, D., Machairas, T., Solomou, A., Karakalas, A.
Shape Memory Alloy Morphing Airfoil Sections
CIMTEC 2016, 5th International Conference on Smart and Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Systems, Perugia, Italy

D. Liu, H. Polinder, A. B. Abrahamsen, X. Wang, J. A. Ferreira
Comparison of Superconducting Generators and Permanent Magnet Generators for 10-MW Direct-Drive Wind Turbines
2016 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems

D. Liu, H. Polinder, X. Wang, J. A. Ferreira
Evaluating the Cost of Energy of a 10 MW Direct-Drive Wind Turbine with Superconducting Generators
2016 International Conference on Electrical Machines

Clemens Hübler, Jan Häfele, Andreas Ehrmann, Raimund Rolfes
Effective consideration of soil characteristics in time domain simulations of bottom fixed offshore wind turbines
Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, 2016,pp 127-134.

Jan Häfele, Raimund Rolfes
Approaching the ideal design of jacket substructures for offshore wind turbines with a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, pp 156-163

A. Penzkofer and K. Atallah
Analytical Modelling and Optimisation of Pseudo Direct Drive Permanent Magnet Machines for Large Wind Turbines
Magnetics, IEEE Transactions

J. A. Armendáriz
Computational and Experimental Modelling of Mooring Line Dynamics for Offshore Floating Wind Turbines
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, February 2016. Available here.

Andreas Penzkofer
Analytical Modelling and Analysis of Magnetic Gears and Pseudo Direct Drives for LargeWind Turbines
Sheffield University, November 2016

L. Sartori, P. Bortolotti, A. Croce, C.L. Bottasso (2016)
Integration of Prebend Optimization in a Holistic Wind Turbine Design Tool
Journal of Physics: Conference Series TORQUE conference 2016

A. Croce, L. Sartori, M.S. Lunghini, L. Clozza, P. Bortolotti, C.L. Bottasso (2016)
Lightweight Rotor Design by Optimal Spar Cap Offset
Journal of Physics: Conference Series TORQUE conference 2016

A. Croce, F. Gualdoni, P. Montinari, C.E.D. Riboldi, C.L. Bottasso (2016)
Inertial and Aerodynamic Tuning of Passive Devices for Load Alleviation on Wind Turbines
Journal of Physics: Conference Series TORQUE conference 2016

Sørensen, N. N., Méndez, B., Muñoz, A., Sieros, G., Jost, E., Lutz, T.,Papadakis, G. et al. (2016)
CFD code comparison for 2D airfoil flows
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 753, No. 8

D. Manolas (2016)
Hydro-aero-elastic analysis of offshore wind turbines
National Technical University of Athens


C. L. Bottasso , P. Bortolotti , A. Croce , F. Gualdoni (2015)
Integrated aero-structural optimization of wind turbines
Multibody System Dynamics, Springer Netherlands, Vol. 38/Issue 4, p. 317-344, doi:10.1007/s11044-015-9488-1

D. Liu, H. Polinder, N. Magnusson, J. Schellevis and A. B. Abrahamsen (2015)
Ripple Field AC Losses in 10-MW Wind Turbine Generators With a MgB2 Superconducting Field Winding
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol 26/Issue 3, doi: 10.1109/TASC.2016.2533921

Karakalas A., Machairas T., Solomou A., Riziotis V. and Saravanos D. A.  (2015)
Development of SMA Actuated Morphing Airfoil for Wind Turbine Load Alleviation
TMS MEMA2015 Middle East – Mediterranean Materials Congress on Energy and Infrastructure Systems, Doha, Qatar

Karakalas A., Machairas T., Solomou A., Riziotis V. and Saravanos D. A.  (2015)
Morphing Airfoil with Shape Memory Alloy Wire Actuators for Active Aerodynamic Load Control in Large Wind-Turbine Blades
European Wind Energy Association, EWEA 2015 Annual Event Conference, Paris  

A. Penzkofer and K. Atallah (2015)
Analyctical Modeling and Optimization of Pseude-Direct Drive Permanent Magnet Machines for Large Wind Turbines
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 51/Issue 12 pp. 1-14. Paper available here.

D. Dabrowski, A. Natarajan and E. Stehouwer (2015).
Structural Optimization of an Innovative 10 MW Wind Turbine Nacelle.
In Proceedings of the EWEA Annual Event and Exhibition 2015. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). Paper available here. Poster available here.

E. MacMahon, A. Stock, P. Jamieson and B. Leithead (2015)
Yaw Control for 20MW Offshore Floating Multi Rotor System
European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) 2015 conference. Paper available here.

S.T. Navalkar, E. van Solingen and J. van Wingerden (2015)
Wind Tunnel Testing of Subspace Predictive Repetitive Control for Variable Pitch Wind Turbines

D.I. Manolas, G.R. Pirrung, A. Croce, M. Roura, V.A. Riziotis, H.A. Madsen, C. Pizarro, S.G. Voutsinas, F. Rasmussen (2015)
Cross comparison of aeroelastic state-of-the-art Tools on a 10MW scale wind turbine 
Presented at EWEA 2015 conference. Poster available here

W. Njomo Wandji, A. Natarajan, N. Dimitrov, T. Buhl (2015)
Design of monopiles for multi-megawatt wind turbines at 50 m water depth
Presented at EWEA 2015 conference. Presentation available here. Conference paper available here.

E. Jost, T. Lutz and E. Krämer (2015)
Numerical studies of a 10 MW wind turbine with morphing trailing edge flaps
Presentation from 17. STAB-Workshop. Available here.

N. Magnusson, J.C. Eliassen, A.B. Abrahamsen, A. Nysveen, J. Bjerkli, M. Runde and P. King (2015) 
Design aspects on winding of an MgB2 superconducting generator coil, Energy Procedia, Vol. 80, pp. 56-62.
Presented in EERA DeepWind'2015 Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim. Available: here 

Fürst, H., Schlipf, D., Latour, M. I., & Cheng, P. W. (2015).
Design and Evaluation of a Lidar-Based Feedforward Controller for the INNWIND.EU 10 MW Wind Turbine.
In European Wind Energy Association Annual Event (EWEA), Paris. Paper available here. Poster available here.

Matha, D., Sandner, F., Molins, C., Campos, A., & Cheng, P. W. (2015).
Efficient Preliminary Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Design and Testing Methodologies and Application to a Concrete Spar Design. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A373(20140347). doi:10.1098/rsta.2014.0350.
Available: here

Sandner, F., Yu, W., & Cheng, P. W. (2015).
Parameterized Dynamic Modelling Approach for Conceptual Dimensioning of a Floating Wind Turbine System.
In EERA Deepwind. Trondheim/NO. 
Available: here

Sandner, F., Amann, F., Azcona, J., Munduate, X., Bottasso, C. L., Campagnolo, F., Robertson, A. (2015).
Model Building and Scaled Testing of 5MW and 10MW Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Turbines. In EERA Deepwind. Trondheim/NO.
Available: here

Lemmer, F., Raach, S., Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2015).
Prospects of Linear Model Predictive Control on a 10MW Floating Wind Turbine.
In Proceedings of the ASME 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. St. John’s/Canada.
Available: here

Manjock, A., Bredmose, H., Azcona, J., Lemmer, F., Amann, F., Campagnolo, F., & Montinari, P. (2015).
Rotor Aerodynamics For Tank Tests Of Scaled Floating Wind Turbines. In Proceedings of the EWEA Offshore. Copenhagen.
Available: here

Dong Liu, Henk Polinder, Asger B. Abrahamsen, Jan A. Ferreira,
Comparison of 10 MW Superconducting Generator Topologies for Direct-Drive Wind Turbines
IEEE international electric machines and drives conference (IEMDC), 2015, pp. 174-180.   

Dong Liu, Henk Polinder, IEEE, Asger B. Abrahamsen, Jan A. Ferreira,
Effects of an Electromagnetic Shield and Armature Teeth on the Short-Circuit Performance of a Direct Drive Superconducting Generator for 10 MW Wind Turbines
IEEE international electric machines and drives conference (IEMDC), 2015, pp. 709-714.

Stuart Calverley, Chris Kirby, Ewoud Stehouwer, Ben Hendriks,
Magnetically-geared generator with a front mounted turbine architecture, Second conference for wind power drives, Aachen, 2015.

D.I. Manolas, G.R. Pirrung, A. Croce, M. Roura, V.A. Riziotis, H.A. Madsen, C. Pizarro, S.G. Voutsinas, F. Rasmussen,
"Cross comparison of aeroelastic state-of-the-art Tools on a 10MW scale wind turbine", to be presented at the EWEA 2015 annual wind energy event, Paris, 17-20th November, 2015.

Bos, R., W. A. A.M. Bierbooms, and G. J.W. van Bussel (2015).
Importance sampling of severe wind gusts.
11th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe. 23–25 September. Stuttgart, Germany.

D. J. Lekou, K. C. Bacharoudis, A. B. Farinas, K. Branner, P. Berring, A. Croce, T. P. Philippidis and G. D. de Winkel,
A Critical evaluation of structural analysis tools used for the design of large composite wind turbine rotor blades under ultimate and cycle loading, to be presented in the 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, 19-24th July 2015.  

F. Deng and Z. Chen, 
“Voltage-Balancing Method for Modular Multilevel Converters Under Phase-Shifted Carrier-Based Pulse-Width Modulation”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 4158-4169, July 2015. 

A. Penzkofer, K. Atallah, "Optimisation of magnetic gears for large wind turbines", Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on, vol., no., pp.962-967, 10-13 June 2015.  

Karwatzki, D.; Baruschka, L.; Mertens, A., "Survey on the Hexverter topology — A modular multilevel AC/AC converter," in Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE-ECCE Asia), 2015 9th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia, Seoul, Korea, vol., no., pp.1075-1082, 1-5 June 2015.

M.A. Parker, S.J. Finney, "Design of a fault-tolerant tandem converter for a multi-MW superconducting offshore wind turbine generator," IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Seville, Spain, March 2015. 

B. Kuhnle, M. Kühn
Unfavourable trends of rotor speed and systems dynamics for very large offshore wind turbines - Analysis of the 10MW INNWIND.EU reference turbine
Presented at EWEA Offshore 2015, Copenhagen, March 2015.

F. Deng and Z. Chen, 
"Elimination of DC-Link Current Ripple for Modular Multilevel Converters with Capacitor Voltage-Balancing Pulse-Shifted Carrier PWM", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 284-296, January 2015.    

F. Deng and Z. Chen,
"Voltage-Balancing Method for Modular Multilevel Converters Switched at Grid Frequency", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. In Press, 2015.

S. T. Navalkar, J. W. van Wingerden
Iterative feedback tuning of an LPV feedforward controller for wind turbine load alleviation
1st IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems LPVS 2015, Grenoble, France 

Wandji, W.N.
Design of monopiles for multi-megawatt wind turbines at 50 m water depth.
EWEA Annual Event and Exhibition 2015. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)

H. Fürst, D. Schlipf, M. I. Latour, P. W. Cheng
Design and Evaluation of a Lidar-Based Feedforward Controller for the INNWIND.EU 10 MW Wind Turbine
EWEA Annual Event and Exhibition 2015. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Paris (France)

P. Jamieson, P.K. Chaviaropoulos, S. Voutsinas
Large scale offshore wind energy systems, the multi-rotor solution
EWEA Offshore 2015, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Sandner, Frank, Amann, Florian, Azcona, José, Munduate, Xabier, Bottasso, Carlo, Campagnolo, Filippo, Bredmose, Henrik, Manjock, Andreas, Pereira, Ricardo, Robertson, Amy
Model Building and Scaled Testing of a 10MW Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Turbine
EERA Deepwind

Klein, Levin, Lutz, Thorsten, Krämer, Ewald
CFD Simulation of a floating horizontal axis model wind turbine
EAWE PhD Seminar

Matha, D., Beyer, F., Lemmer, F., Chen, P. W.
Model Testing and Numerical Simulation in Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Design – Overview and Conclusions from practical Applications

Kim, Y., Weihing, P., Schulz, C., Jost, E., Lutz, T.
Turbulence infow generation for a turbulent boundary layer over rough hills under stable conditions
Windfarms 2015

Jost, E., Lutz, T., Krämer , E.
Numerical investigation of a 10 MW wind turbine with morphing trailing edge flaps
STAB Workshop

P. Bortolotti, L. Sartori, A. Croce, C.L. Bottasso (2015)
Multi-MW Wind Turbine CoE Reduction via a Multi-Disciplinary Design Process
EWEA 2015 Annual event

Chaviaropoulos, P.K., Sieros, G., Prospathopoulos, J.M., Diakakis, K., Voutsinas, S.G
Design and CFD-based Performance Verification of a Family of Low-Lift Airfoils
EWEA 2015 Annual event

C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni, P. Montinari (2015)
A New Concept to Mitigate Loads for Wind Turbines Based on a Passive Flap
American Control Conference 2015

C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, L. Sartori (2015)
Free-Form Design of Low Induction Rotors
SciTech 2015, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, 33nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium

P. Giorgos (2015)
Development of a hybrid compressible vortex particle method and application to external problems including helicopter flows
National Technical University of Athens



Bos R.
How to blow away a wind turbine
DEI poster event. Poster available here.

Bos, R., W. A. A.M. Bierbooms, and G. J.W. van Bussel (2014).
Towards spatially constrained gust models.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 524, p. 12107. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012107. Poster available here.

Sandner, F., Schlipf, D., Matha, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2014). Integrated Optimization Of Floating Wind Turbine Systems. In Proceedings of the ASME 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE (Vol. 9B). San Francisco. doi:10.1115/OMAE2014-24244. Available: here

Müller, K., Sandner, F., Bredmose, H., Azcona, J., Manjock, A., & Pereira, R. (2014). Improved Tank Test Procedures For Scaled Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. In International Wind Engineering Conference IWEC. Hannover. Available: here

A. Penzkofer and K. Atallah, “Magnetic gears for high torque applications,” Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 1–4, Nov 2014. 

Bos, R., W. A. A.M. Bierbooms, and G. J.W. van Bussel (2014).
3D stochastic gusts as an alternative to the Mexican hat wavelet.
10th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe. 28–31 October. Orléans, France

Karakalas, A., Machairas, T., Solomou, A., Riziotis, V., Saravanos, D.,  
“Design and Simulation of Morphing Airfoil Sections with SMA Actuators for Wind Turbine Rotors,” ICAST2014: 25nd International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, October 6-8th, 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands, ICAST2014 082.   

C. Kirby, S. Calverley, E. Stehouwer, B. Hendriks,
A front-mounted magnetically geared direct drive generator, WindTech Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 7, October 2014.   

Larsén X,
Methods for extreme wind estimation: numerical modelling + measurements.
IRPWIND conference, Amsterdam, 24-25th Sep 2014. PPT.

N. Magnusson, A.B. Abrahamsen, D. Liu, M. Runde, H. Polinder,
"Hysteresis losses in MgB2 superconductors exposed to combinations of low AC and high DC magnetic fields and transport currents", Physica C DOI: 10.1016/j.physc.2014.06.012.

P. Chasapogiannis, J.M. Prospathopoulos, S.G. Voutsinas, P.K. Chaviaropoulos (2014)
“Analysis of the aerodynamic performance of the multi-rotor concept”, Journal of Physics Conference Series 06/2014; 524(1):012084.  

Grasso, F., Ceyhan, O.,
“Usage of Advanced Thick Airfoils for the Outer Part of Very Large Offshore Turbines”, Journal of Physics Conference Series 06/2014; 524(1):012030. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012030.

J.M. Prospathopoulos, G. Papadakis, G.Sieros, S.G. Voutsinas, P.K. Chaviaropoulos, K. Diakakis
“Assessment of the aerodynamic characteristics of thick airfoils in high Reynolds and moderate Ma numbers using CFD modelling”, Journal of Physics Conference Series 06/2014; 524(1):012015.

Ceyhan, O., Grasso, F.,
“Investigation of Wind Turbine Rotor Concepts for Offshore Wind Farms”, Journal of Physics Conference Series 06/2014; 524:1. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012032.

Prospathopoulos J, Papadakis G, Sieros G, Voutsinas S, Chaviaropoulos T, Diakakis K,
"Assessment of the aerodynamic characteristics of thick airfoils in high Reynolds and moderate Ma numbers using CFD modelling", TORQUE 2014, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 524 (2014).

Chassapoyannis P, Prospathopoulos J, Voutsinas S, Chaviaropoulos T,
"Analysis of the aerodynamic performance of the multi-rotor concept", TORQUE 2014, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 524 (2014).

C.L. Bottasso, P. Pizzinelli, C.E.D. Riboldi,
"LiDAR-Enabled Model Predictive Control of Wind Turbines with Real-Time Capabilities", Renewable Energy, 71:442-452, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2014.05.041, 2014.

C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola,
"Model Independent Periodic Stability Analysis of Wind Turbines", Wind Energy, doi:10.1002/we.1735, 2014.

C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, A. Croce, C. Tibaldi,
"Fatigue Damage Mitigation by the Integration of Active and Passive Load Control Techniques on Wind Turbines", Wind Energy - Impact of Turbulence, M. Hoelling, J. Peinke and S. Ivanell, Eds., Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-54695-2 (print) 978-3-642-54696-9 (online), 2014.

A.B. Abrahamsen, N. Magnusson, D. Liu, E. Stehouwer, B. Hendriks, H. Polinder,
“Design study of a 10 MW MgB2 superconductor direct drive wind turbine generator”, Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference, Barcelona, 2014.

C. Kirby, S. Calverley, E. Stehouwer and B. Hendriks, 
"Front-mounted magnetically geared pseudo direct drive generator", Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference, Barcelona, 2014.

P. Jamieson, M. Branney, P.K. Chaviaropoulos, G. Sieros, S. Voutsinas, P. Chasapogiannis,
“The structural design and preliminary aerodynamic evaluation of a multi-rotor system as a solution for offshore systems of 20 MW or more unit capacity“, Proc. EWEA 2014, Barcelona.

T. Chaviaropoulos, A. Natarajan and P.H. Jensen, 
"Key Performance Indicators and Target Values for Multi-Megawatt Offshore Turbines", In Proceedings of EWEA 2014. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), 2014.

F. Deng and Z. Chen,
"A control method for voltage balancing in modular multilevel converters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 66-76, January 2014.
Overview of project and resent results. Sound/Visual production (digital). EERA DeepWind 2014 - 11th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway 2014.

P.K. Chaviaropoulos and G. Sieros,
“Design of Low Induction Rotors for use in large offshore wind farms”, Proc. Scientific Track, EWEA 2014, Barcelona.

Bergami, Leonardo, Helge Aagaard Madsen, and Flemming Rasmussen,
“A Two-Bladed Teeetering Hub Configuration for the DTU 10 MW RWT: Loads Considerations.” In Proceedings of European Wind Energy Association Conference. Barcelona, Spain, 2014.

C.L. Bottasso, P. Bortolotti, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni, L. Sartori,
"Aero-Structural Design of Rotors", 2014 Sandia Wind Turbine Blade Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, USA, August 26-28, 2014.

C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, C.E.D. Riboldi, M. Salvetti,
"Cyclic Pitch Control for the Reduction of Ultimate Loads on Wind Turbines", The Science of Making Torque from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18-20, 2014.

C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, C.E.D. Riboldi,
"Optimal Shutdown Management", The Science of Making Torque from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18-20, 2014.

C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, L. Sartori, F. Grasso,
"Free-form Design of Rotor Blades", The Science of Making Torque from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18-20, 2014.

V. Petrovic, C.L. Bottasso,
"Wind Turbine Optimal Control During Storms", The Science of Making Torque from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18-20, 2014.

C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, P. Bettini, S. Cacciola,
"Testing of Active and Passive Load Alleviation Techniques with Scaled Wind Tunnel Models", The Science of Making Torque from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18-20, 2014.

C.L. Bottasso,
"Computational Tools for Wind Energy Systems, and their Validation and Calibration", Plenary lecture, CWE 2014, 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, June 8-12, 2014. 

Grasso, F.,
“ECN Airfoils for Large Offshore Wind Turbines: Design and Wind Tunnel Testing”, EWEA 2014, Barcelona, Spain, March 2014.

C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola,
"Estimation of Wind Turbine Model Properties - Towards the Validation of Comprehensive High-Fidelity Multibody Models", EWEA 2014 Annual Event, Barcelona, Spain, March 10-13, 2014.  

C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, L. Sartori, F. Grasso,
"Free-Form Aero-Structural Optimization of Rotor Blades", poster, EWEA 2014 Annual Event, Barcelona, Spain, March 10-13, 2014.

C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni,
"Simultaneous Structural Sizing of Wind Turbine Rotor and Tower", poster, EWEA 2014 Annual Event, Barcelona, Spain, March 10-13, 2014.

Ceyhan, O., Grasso, F.,
“New Rotor Concepts for Future Offshore Wind Farms”, EERA Deepwind 2014, Trondheim, Norway, 22 Jan 2014.

Grasso, F.,
“Modelling and Effects of Base Drag on Thick Airfoils Design”, AIAA Scitech 2014, National Harbor, MD, USA, 13-17 Jan 2014. AIAA 2014-0168.

C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, R. Riva,
"Floquet Stability Analysis of Wind Turbines using Input-Output Models", SciTech 2014, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, 32nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, January 13-17, 2014.

S. T. Navalkar, J. W. van Wingerden, E. van Solingen, T. Oomen, G. A. M. van Kuik
Subspace predictive repetitive control for wind turbine load alleviation using trailing edge flaps
American Control Conference 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA

F. Grasso
New Airfoils and their Impact on Large Blade Performance
3rd International Conference on “Advances in Rotor Blades for Wind Turbines”, IQPC, Bremen , Germany

O. Ceyhan, F. Grasso
New Rotor Concepts for Future Offshore Wind Farms
10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference EFMC10, Lyngby, Denmark and EERA Deepwind 2014, Trondheim, Norway

F. Grasso, O. Cayhan
Usage of advanced thick airfoils for the outer part of very large offshore turbines
The Science of Making Torque from Wind 2014 (TORQUE 2014)

O. Ceyhan, F. Grasso
Investigation of Wind Turbine Rotor Concepts for Offshore Wind Farms
The Science of Making Torque from Wind 2014 (TORQUE 2014)

P.K. Chaviaropoulos, A. Natarajan and P.H. Jensen
Key Performance Indicators and Target Values for Multi-Megawatt Offshore Turbines
EWEA Annual Event and Exhibition 2014. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Barcelona (Spain)

P. Jamieson, M. Branney, P.K. Chaviaropoulos, G. Sieros, S. Voutsinas, P. Chasapogiannis
The structural design and preliminary aerodynamic evaluation of a multi-rotor system as a solution for offshore systems of 20 MW or more unit capacity
EWEA Annual Event and Exhibition 2014. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Barcelona (Spain)

P. Chasapogiannis, J.M. Prospathopoulos, S.G. Voutsinas, P.K. Chaviaropoulos
Analysis of the aerodynamic performance of the multi-rotor concept
Journal of Physics Conference Series 06/2014; 524(1):012084

Hanis T, Natarajan A.
Jacket Substructure Fatigue Mitigation through Active Control
11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI). Vol. 4. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE). 2014.  pp. 3767-3775

F. Grasso, L.  Sartori, C. Bottasso, A.  Croce
Free form aerostructural optimization of rotor blades
ECN report, ECN-M--14-014, 2014

F. Grasso
Modeling and effects of base drag on thick airfoils design
ECN report, ECN-M--14-023, 2014

F. Grasso
Free form design for rotor blades
ECN report, ECN-M--14-011, 2014

Papadakis, G., Voutsinas, S., Sieros, G. and Chaviaropoulos, T. (2014)
CFD aerodynamic analysis of non-conventional airfoil sections for very large rotor blades
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 555, No. 1

Papadakis, G., & Voutsinas, S. G. (2014)
In view of accelerating CFD simulations through coupling with vortex particle approximations
Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 524, No. 1

M. Manolesos (2014)
Experimental and computational study of three-dimensional separation and separation control using passive vortex generators
National Technical University of Athens


H. Polinder, J.A. Ferreira, B.B. Jensen, A.B. Abrahamsen, K. Atallah, R.A. McMahon (2013)

Trends in Wind Turbine Generator Systems
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 1/Issue 3 pp. 174-185. Paper available here.

Schlipf, D., Sandner, F., Raach, S., Matha, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2013). Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Floating Wind Turbines. In Proceedings of the Twenty-third International Conference on Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE). Available: here

C.L. Bottasso,
"Wind Energy: Trends, Challenges and Perspectives", The Terawatt Challenge: What Research for our Future Energy?, International Symposium, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, Italy, November 5-6, 2013.

L. Bergami, H.A. Madsen, F. Rasmussen,
"A Two-Bladed Teetering Hub configuration for the DTU 10 MW"Article presented at EWEA 2013 in Barcelona.


M.M. Sanz, A. Natarajan and L. Henriksen

"Feasibility study of a semi floating spar buoy wind turbine anchored with a spherical joint to the sea floor", Conference proceedings - EWEA Offshore 2013 European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), 2013.

R. Bolaños, J. Tornfeld-Sørensen, O.S. Petersen, M. Rugbjerg, J.R. Jensen,”Oceanographic down-scaling with unstructured modelling: Towards ocean-wave-atmosphere coupling”, The Future of Operational Oceanography 2013 - Ideas, Methods & Products  (FUTOORE). 8-10 October 2013, Hamburg, Germany.

Bos, R., W. A. A.M. Bierbooms, and G. J.W. van Bussel  (2013). “Extreme gust loads for novel wind turbines.”
9th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe. 22–25 September. Visby, Sweden.

A. Natarajan, P.H. Jensen and T. Chaviaropoulos, 
"Innovative Wind Conversion Systems (10 MW - 20 MW) for Offshore Systems", Poster presented at the EWEA Wind Energy Conference, 2013.

H. Polinder, J.F. Ferreira, B.B. Jensen, A.B. Abrahamsen, K. Atallah and R.A. McMahon,
"Trends in Wind Turbine Generator Systems". IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power Electronics, vol. 1, no. 3, September 2013.

A.B.Abrahamsen, N. Magnusson, B.B. Jensen, D. Liu and H. Polinder,
"Design of an MgB2 race track coil for a wind generator pole demonstration", Proceedings of the EUCAS, European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), 15-19 September 2013, Genova, Italy. Published under licence in Journal of Phyusics by IOP Publishing Ltd. Content from this Work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution to the author(s) and the title of the Work, journal citation and DOI.

P.K. Chaviaropoulos, J. Beurskens and S.Voutsinas,
Moving towards Large(r) Rotors – Is that a good idea EWEA", Proc. 2013 Conference, Vienna, 2013.

R. Bós and W. Bierbooms,
"Extreme gust loads for novel Wind turbines". EAWE 9th PhD seminar on Wind Energy in Visby, 2013.

C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni,
"Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Wind Turbines by a Multibody/Cross-Sectional/FEM Integrated Approach", ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Zagreb, Croatia, July 1-4, 2013.

C.L. Bottasso,
"Design: the Final Judge of Technological Innovation", Keynote lecture, Future of Wind Power Symposium, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Garching b. Muenchen, Germany, June 27, 2013.  

L. Sartori, F. Grasso, C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce,
"Integration of Airfoil Design During the Design of New Blades", ICOWES2013, International Conference on Aerodynamics of Offshore Wind Energy Systems and Wakes, Lyngby, Denmark, June 17-19, 2013.      

Grasso, F.,
“Development of Thick Airfoils for Wind Turbines”, Journal of Aircraft, AIAA, Vol.50, No.3, May-June 2013, pp. 975-981, DOI: 10.2514/1.C032182.  

C.L. Bottasso,
"Validation and Calibration of Computational Tools for Wind Energy Systems", Plenary lecture, GAMM 2013, 84th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Novi Sad, Serbia, March 18-22, 2013.

C.L. Bottasso, P. Pizzinelli, C.E.D. Riboldi,
"LiDAR-Enabled Real-Time Control of Wind Turbines", EWEA 2013 Annual Event, Vienna, Austria, February 4-7, 2013.

C.L. Bottasso,
"Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Wind Energy Systems", NREL Wind Energy System Engineering Workshop, Boulder, CO, USA, January 29-30, 2013.

C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, A. Croce, S. Dilli, F. Gualdoni, M.B. Nielsen,
"Structural Optimization of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades by Multi-Level Sectional/Multibody/3DFEM Analysis", Multibody System Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s11044-013-9394-3, 2013.

R. Bolaños, J. Tornfeld-Sørensen, O.S. Petersen, M. Rugbjer, J.R. Jensen
Oceanographic downscaling with unstructured modelling: Towards ocean-wave-atmosphere coupling
The Future of Operational Oceanography 2013 - Ideas, Methods & Products  (FUTOORE), Hamburg, Germany

M. Branney, P. Jamieson
Multi-rotors as a means to reduce design driving loads of 20MW wind energy systems
EWEA Annual Event and Exhibition 2013. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Vienna, Austria

R. Bos, WAAM Bierbooms (2013)
Extreme gust loads for novel wind turbines
9th PhD seminar on Wind Energy in Europe

Schlipf, D., Sandner, F., Raach, S., Matha, D., Cheng, P. W (2013)
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Floating Wind Turbines
Twenty-third International Conference on Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE)

F. Grasso, L.  Sartori, C. Bottasso, A.  Croce
Integration of airfoil design during the design of new blades
ECN report, ECN-M--13-020, 2013

F. Grasso, L.  Sartori
Free-form methodology for aero-structural optimization of wind turbine blades
ECN report, ECN-X--13-129, 2013



11 DECEMBER 2024